Start We are pleased to announce that through collecting your feedback for Judgify and gaining extensive experience in the event industry, we have launched three new award plans to match your industry needs:

- Basic – Free: a basic awards management tool to start organizing awards online almost instantly.
- Pro – US$500/event: An integrated platform for awards events.
- Enterprise – Request for Quote: an advanced customizable awards management software for marketing teams.
Remember: Judgify is always free for free events.
How do you simplify your awards management experience with Judgify?
1. Plan and publish
Design your awards landing page with customized submission forms to begin receiving entries. Set award rules, categories, submission requirements and payment modes.
2. Collect submissions easily
Receive award submissions online and monitor your awards. Track order payments and filter entrants using our submissions module.
3. Judging anytime, anywhere
Determine the judging criteria and abstention rules online. Map judges to categories, use scorecards and enable online judging of industry awards – anytime, anywhere.
4. Automation that makes it simple
Customize financial, scoring and submissions reports through filters and automatically tabulate scoring for analysis. Send out emails based on triggers to keep entrants and judges engaged.
Use a hassle-free end-to-end online awards judging system and reward the best in the industry.